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Showing posts from July, 2017

5 questions to ask when choosing a secondary school

1. What do the students go on to achieve? When thinking about secondary schools, considering the academic success of any potential schools is a

4 things to consider before choosing a university

1. Finances Attending a university can be quite the financial commitment, but where you go can affect

12 signs to know that your relationship is on lock

1.  Your partner has accused you of being a witch because you've texted them about picking up milk when they were ALREADY PICKING UP MILK. You are basically psychic in your ability to predict what your partner is about to do. You're there before they even know they need you. You remind them about that meeting they have or that errand they're supposed to take care of. They know you've had a shitty day based on a single text and are already at home with your favorite movie on. ADVERTISEMENT - CONTINUE READING BELOW

10 ,habits of long lasting couples

1. Go to bed together. This doesn't mean go have sex every single night, but rather go to bed at the same time. Dr. Goulston reckons that "happy couples resist the temptation to go to bed at different times" even if one gets back up shortly after. There's nothing like a bedtime cuddle! 2. Work out your common

5 qualities education should inculcate in you

Mahatma Gandhi said "Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever" Education is the premise of progress, in every society. It is the most powerful weapon which could be use to enhance the world. Here are 5 powerful qualities education can inculcate in you. 1. DIPLOMACY This is the